Saturday, April 18, 2009

Open Book

I figured I should start writing something here since I've been telling everyone about my page. I'm not a journalist, I have no degree in journalism and have only taken a few creative writing classes, which, I'm sure most people who know me would be surprised to know I actually did well. Still, it is what it is.
So here's my life. There's nothing fascinating, nothing out of the ordinary and I certainly have nothing to hide .... well, except the 14 year old periodically when he gets in his goofified moods, then he gets hidden under the shed!

I'll be back. I'll write more often. Maybe...

Friday, May 30, 2008

More randomness

Typically, it's after midnight when I think about blogging. And at that time I'm usually in bed t4rying to fall asleep so I won't be completely worn out when I have to care for other peoples children. You'd think with the time I spend on the net during the day I'd blog. But I've been told I can't write. Not that anything will be read by anyone. It's all pretty random.

Watch the finale of Lost last night and learned who was in the coffin. Our first thought way back when was the it was Locke but the news article said he had a teenage son. Did he take on Michael's son Walt after the freighter mishap? But we have to wait 8 months to find out. I really enjoy the scientific slant on the show and am very thankful the writers also research their science as well as the latest scientific research.

Well, once again my blogging is interrupted with random sound effects coming from my very random 13 year old. 4 years, one month, 3 d..... ooops. Not like I'm counting down or anything.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

It's not so cold today

Not much to say. Just thought I'd try this out.

Maybe I'll write more after the Super Bowl. Looking forward to the commercials but hope the game has some substance. They did have the cool F16's fly over at the beginning. That was fab!